William DP

William DP
William – Experienced WordPress Developer
I have in-depth knowledge of WordPress and can accomplish almost any request from a client.
I have good skills in SEO and can optimise your site for improved search rankings.
Theme Development
Pick and choose from several fully customizable themes to achieve the look of your website you want.
I am skilled at Photoshop and can colour-correct and make other minor adjustments to photos if needed.
Graphic Design
I can make custom logos or web site graphics if needed for your design.
Architectural Visualization
Using the latest software and several thousand dollars in computer equipment, we are able to deliver the most accurate and real world simulation of a building today. Contact us today to learn more.

Hi, I’m William. An accomplished programmer in the web environment. I’ve been using WordPress for the past 4 years and been developing websites professionally for 3 of those years. I first coded in HTML, then PHP, JavaScript and now Visual Basic. I specialize in developing sites from the ground up and providing a stable foundation for clients to work on.  

Past and current clients projects
Custom website
EVchargers2017 – present

A responsive and mobile friendly e-commerce website for an Australian startup company. Uses woocommerce, custom theme + CSS and client backend.

Custom website
Graham's Lawns2015 – present

A responsive and mobile friendly website for a professional landscaper. Uses custom Ajax and CSS scripting.

Custom website
GJ Young Consultancy2014 – 2015

A custom website for a WorkCover consultant. Makes use of responsive JavaScript and Ajax scripting.

Custom Website
Green Ninja Ink2013 – 2014

A website for an enthusiastic group of cartoonists. Uses custom Ajax for an online store.